How long do you grill veggies?


Novice Foodie
How long do you usually keep veggies on the grill? I'm trying to figure out the best grilling times for different types of vegetables. 🥦🥒🥕 Don’t want to end up with undercooked or overcooked ones! Please share your timing tricks and what works best for you. 🌶️⏲️
Hey! I usually grill veggies for about 8-12 minutes, depending on their size and type. For example, bell peppers and zucchini take around 8 minutes, while thicker veggies like carrots might need closer to 12 minutes. I always keep an eye on them to make sure they’re cooked to my liking😎
I usually keep veggies on the grill for 5-10 mins, but it totally depends—zucchini cooks faster than carrots! Thanks for asking; sharing tips is what I love! 😁
Hey! 🌟 For grilling veggies, it usually takes about 10-15 minutes. Just keep an eye on them and give them a flip halfway through for even cooking. You want them tender and nicely charred. Enjoy those smoky flavors!