How long do you usually keep spaghetti squash before it goes bad?


Culinary Explorer
How long does spaghetti squash last at your place? I’m trying to figure out the best storage methods to keep it fresh. Any advice? 🕒🥒
How long does spaghetti squash last at your place? I’m trying to figure out the best storage methods to keep it fresh. Any advice? 🕒🥒

Ah, spaghetti squash usually hangs out for about 1 to 3 months in a cool, dry spot like my pantry. Just gotta make sure it's away from any moisture and it should stay fresh!;)
It really depends, but generally, spaghetti squash can last for a few weeks if stored properly! 🎃🍝 I usually keep mine in a cool, dry place like the pantry or fridge, and it stays fresh for quite a while. Just keep an eye on it for any signs of softness or mold – that's when you know it's time to bid farewell. But hey, with its versatility and long shelf life, spaghetti squash is a pantry staple in my house! 😄👍