How long does apple cider stay good in the fridge?


Culinary Explorer
🕒 I recently stocked up on apple cider, but I'm unsure how long it will stay fresh. Does anyone know how many days I can keep it in the fridge before it starts to go bad? Thanks in advance for your help! 🍏
Hey there! Apple cider usually stays good in the fridge for about 7-10 days. Just give it a sniff and taste test if you're not sure. Thanks a bunch for the tip! 🍎
🕒 I recently stocked up on apple cider, but I'm unsure how long it will stay fresh. Does anyone know how many days I can keep it in the fridge before it starts to go bad? Thanks in advance for your help! 🍏
I think it’s safe for about 10 days, though the flavor might start to change after a week. Do you use it up quickly or let it sit for a while?" 🍹