How long does kettle corn stay fresh?


Novice Foodie
Hey folks! I've recently gotten into making kettle corn at home, and I'm loving it! 🌽 But I'm wondering, how long does kettle corn stay fresh? 🍿 I've made a big batch and want to know if I can snack on it throughout the week without it going stale. Any insights? :confused:
Kettle corn can stay fresh for about 1-2 weeks if stored properly in an airtight container. Just keep it in a cool, dry place, and it should maintain its crunch for your snacking pleasure! 🍿😊
Kettle corn can stay fresh for about 1-2 weeks if you keep it in an airtight container. 🍿✨ For the best crunch, try to enjoy it within the first week. But honestly, it probably won’t last that long!
Hi. On average, kettle corn stays fresh for 10 days to 2 weeks in our sealed bags. Shorter shelf life in the summer; longer shelf life in the winter. Put kettle corn in the freezer and it will stay fresh longer. It has a low moisture content, so it will not freeze.:)(y)(y)