How long does marzipan stay good?


Novice Foodie
Hey! I've got a quick question about marzipan: How long can it stick around before it's no longer good to eat? 🤔 Does it last for ages, or does it have a limited shelf life? 🍬 Just curious about the best way to enjoy my marzipan stash!
If you're referring to an unopened Marzipan, it can last for up to a year or more if stored in a cool, dry place. 😊 Still, be sure to check the expiration date. 🗓️ But, if you're referring to an opened Marzipan, it can last for several months if kept in an airtight container or wrapped in plastic. 😉
Marzipan, when stored properly in an airtight container in the refrigerator, can last for several weeks or even months. However, it's best to enjoy it within a few weeks for optimal freshness and flavor.