How long does panettone stay fresh?


Tasty Apprentice
I consider panettone very tasty but something that I am concerned with as it normally takes a long time to get spoilt. ⏳ How do you preserve it so that it can remain fresh for a longer time? Do you have any ideas on how to increase it’s shelf life? I hope the bread will not turn stale that is why I want to make more out of it.
I consider panettone very tasty but something that I am concerned with as it normally takes a long time to get spoilt. ⏳ How do you preserve it so that it can remain fresh for a longer time? Do you have any ideas on how to increase it’s shelf life? I hope the bread will not turn stale that is why I want to make more out of it.
Hey! I think up to a week, though it can get a bit stale after that. Toasting helps bring it back to life though! 🍞🔥
I usually store panettone at room temperature, and it stays fresh for 1 to 2 weeks. 😊🍞 I keep the bread in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic. 🫓