How long does vegan mayo last in the fridge?


Novice Foodie
Hey, vegan mayo users! How long does your mayo usually stay fresh in the fridge? :unsure: I want to make sure I’m storing it correctly and not letting it go bad too soon. Any tips on extending its shelf life would be awesome! 🥫❄️
Vegan mayo is super handy! 🥑✨ In the fridge, it usually lasts about 2 to 3 weeks after opening. Just keep an eye on it for any changes in smell or texture.
Hey! My homemade vegan mayo usually lasts about a week or two in the fridge, but I’d say always trust your nose 👃. To keep it fresher, I store it in an airtight container and avoid double-dipping. Thanks for any extra tips! 🙌