How long should I keep chicken breast in the oven?


Tasty Apprentice
Trying out a new chicken recipe and unsure about how long to bake it. Does anyone know the ideal time for oven-baking chicken breasts so they come out perfectly?
For juicy and tender chicken breasts, you'll want to bake them at 375°F (190°C) for about 25-30 minutes, depending on their thickness. To be sure they're cooked through, use a meat thermometer — the internal temperature should reach 165°F (74°C). Remember to let them rest for a few minutes before slicing into them for maximum juiciness! 😉🍗
I think 30 minutes at 350°F is a good rule of thumb. Make sure it’s fully cooked through, though! 😊👌
Bake chicken breast in the oven at 375°F for 25-30 minutes until it's cooked through and no longer pink inside. 🍗🕒
For juicy and tender chicken breasts, you'll want to bake them at 375°F (190°C) for about 25-30 minutes, depending on their thickness. To be sure they're cooked through, use a meat thermometer — the internal temperature should reach 165°F (74°C). Remember to let them rest for a few minutes before slicing into them for maximum juiciness! 😉🍗
Got it! Baking chicken at 375°F for 25-30 minutes until it hits 165°F inside, and then letting it rest a bit, is the way to go for super juicy and tender results! 👌🍗😋
I think 30 minutes at 350°F is a good rule of thumb. Make sure it’s fully cooked through, though! 😊👌
Got it! 30 minutes at 350°F sounds like a solid plan to bake it to perfection! Thanks for the tip, gonna give it a go! 🙏👍