How to cut chicken for chicken and broccoli?


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone, I'm working on perfecting my chicken cutting skills for chicken and broccoli dishes. I've learned that slicing the chicken against the grain into bite-sized pieces is effective, especially for stir-fries. Maintaining uniformity in the pieces ensures even cooking. I'd appreciate hearing about your methods or any tips for achieving optimal outcomes. <3
Slice the chicken 🐔 into thin strips for quick and even cooking, and then chop into bite-sized pieces before stir-frying 🥦.
Slice the chicken 🐔 into thin strips for quick and even cooking, and then chop into bite-sized pieces before stir-frying 🥦.
In my experience, cutting the chicken into small, uniform pieces ensures even cooking and a balanced bite with the broccoli. 🍗🥦 Though, feel free to experiment with different shapes and sizes to suit your taste.