How to make your own cosmopolitan drink?


Culinary Explorer
Hey, fam! Excited to learn how to make a cosmopolitan cocktail that will dazzle your friends at the upcoming house party? With vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice, and lime in hand, but unsure about the right ratios or steps? It would be fantastic if someone could kindly share their favorite recipe. I'm new to mixology, just eager to learn and experiment!
Hey, fam! Excited to learn how to make a cosmopolitan cocktail that will dazzle your friends at the upcoming house party? With vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice, and lime in hand, but unsure about the right ratios or steps? It would be fantastic if someone could kindly share their favorite recipe. I'm new to mixology, just eager to learn and experiment!
Yeah, man, making a cosmo is a blast! Here's what you do: 2 oz vodka, 1 oz triple sec, 1 oz cranberry juice, and a splash of lime juice. Shake it up with ice, strain into a martini glass, and boom, you're good to go. 🍸...
It's super easy, promise! For a classic vibe, go for 1 1/2 ounces of vodka, 1/2 ounce of triple sec, 1/2 ounce of lime juice, and 1/2 ounce of cranberry juice. Grab a shaker, fill it with ice, then toss in your vodka, triple sec, lime juice, and cranberry juice. Shake it like you mean it until it's icy cold.🍸
I think the classic Cosmopolitan recipe is a must-try 🍸! Though, some variations like adding a splash of cranberry juice or experimenting with different citrus twists can elevate the taste.