If I make a batch of arepas, how long will they stay fresh? How should I store them to make them last?

⏳ I want to enjoy my homemade arepas over several days without them going stale. What's the best way to store them and how long can I expect them to stay fresh? Seeking advice from fellow arepa enthusiasts! 🛒🌮
Store your arepas in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. For longer freshness, freeze them and reheat as needed! 🌮❄️
⏳ I want to enjoy my homemade arepas over several days without them going stale. What's the best way to store them and how long can I expect them to stay fresh? Seeking advice from fellow arepa enthusiasts! 🛒🌮
Hi there! Arepas can stay fresh for about 3 to 4 days if you store them properly. Keep them in an airtight container or wrap them tightly in plastic wrap to prevent them from drying out. For longer storage, you can freeze them, and they’ll last up to 3 months. Just reheat them in a toaster or on a skillet for the best taste. Enjoy your arepas! 🌮❄️