I'm Cooking Pinto Beans. So, How Long Is Just Right?


Tasty Apprentice
Hi, there bean aficionados! 🍲 I'm on a quest to cook up some pinto beans, but I'm a bit puzzled about the timing. ⏳ How long do you simmer these beauties to achieve that perfect, tender bite without turning them to mush? Any timing tips or tricks would be a game-changer!
Hi, there bean aficionados! 🍲 I'm on a quest to cook up some pinto beans, but I'm a bit puzzled about the timing. ⏳ How long do you simmer these beauties to achieve that perfect, tender bite without turning them to mush? Any timing tips or tricks would be a game-changer!
Hey fellow bean lover! I usually simmer pinto beans for about 1.5 to 2 hours—just keep checking until they’re tender but not mushy. Your tip totally rocks, thanks! Happy cooking! 🍲✨
Hi, there bean aficionados! 🍲 I'm on a quest to cook up some pinto beans, but I'm a bit puzzled about the timing. ⏳ How long do you simmer these beauties to achieve that perfect, tender bite without turning them to mush? Any timing tips or tricks would be a game-changer!
Pinto beans take a while to cook! Figure on about 1-2 hours on the stovetop, or use a pressure cooker for a faster 30-45 minutes. Don't forget to soak them overnight for quicker cooking and better digestion. 🫘