I'm curious, How Long Do You Cook a Prime Rib?


Novice Foodie
Newbie cook in need of help! 😰 I'm curious: how long do you typically cook a prime rib? 🤔 I heard that there is a fine line in-between the doneness of prime ribs. So, please share your tried-and-true methods and cooking times for achieving that perfect juicy, tender roast. 😋
Newbie cook in need of help! 😰 I'm curious: how long do you typically cook a prime rib? 🤔 I heard that there is a fine line in-between the doneness of prime ribs. So, please share your tried-and-true methods and cooking times for achieving that perfect juicy, tender roast. 😋
Hey! Cooking prime rib? Aim for 15-20 mins/pound at 325°F for medium-rare. Use a meat thermometer for perfection! 🥩👌
Cooking a prime rib depends on your desired doneness and the size of the roast, but aim for about 15-20 minutes per pound at 325°F for a perfectly juicy masterpiece.
Agree!! When I cook a prime rib, I also go for about 15-20 minutes per pound at 325°F. Just adjust the time based on the size of your roast. It's a great way to get a juicy and delicious result. Enjoy cooking! 😊