I'm curious, why do some people put milk in meatballs?


Culinary Explorer
Hey, fellow food enthusiasts! I've always been curious why some cooks add milk to their meatball recipes. From what I gather, milk might help in keeping meatballs tender and moist, blending flavors smoothly. Yet, I'm not entirely sure if this is the main reason or just a tradition passed down. Any Thoughts?
Hey, great question! So, I've actually tried putting milk in my meatballs before, and here's what I've found: 🥛 Adding milk helps keep the meatballs moist and tender, especially if you're using lean ground meat. It also helps bind everything together without making the meatballs too dense. Plus, it can add a subtle creaminess to the texture that I personally really enjoy.
Hey, fellow food enthusiasts! I've always been curious why some cooks add milk to their meatball recipes. From what I gather, milk might help in keeping meatballs tender and moist, blending flavors smoothly. Yet, I'm not entirely sure if this is the main reason or just a tradition passed down. Any Thoughts?
Im curious about this too since I haven't tried mixing milk with meatballs 😂 but I do mix milk with other dish but not with meatballs tho. But yeah why do some mix milk with it? 🤔🤔🤔