Is it just me, or does lemon cake tend to taste a bit too sour?


Culinary Explorer
Hey fellow bakers! 🍋 Every time I make lemon cake, it ends up tasting a bit too sour for my liking. 🤔 Is this a common issue, or am I missing something in my recipe? Would love to hear if you've found ways to balance the flavor. Thanks for the help! 🍰
I've had the same issue before. One thing that really helped me was adjusting the amount of lemon juice and zest I use. Also, adding a bit more sugar or incorporating some vanilla extract can really balance out the tartness. Another trick is to use buttermilk or yogurt in the batter, which adds a nice tang without overpowering the lemon flavor. 😋✨👌
I've had the same issue before. One thing that really helped me was adjusting the amount of lemon juice and zest I use. Also, adding a bit more sugar or incorporating some vanilla extract can really balance out the tartness. Another trick is to use buttermilk or yogurt in the batter, which adds a nice tang without overpowering the lemon flavor. 😋✨👌
Hey there! I totally get where you're coming from. Lemon cake can sometimes pack a bit too much sour punch, right? Your tips are spot-on! Tweaking the lemon juice and zest, playing with sugar, and tossing in a splash of vanilla extract can work wonders. :)