Is potato pancakes better than regular pancakes?


Tasty Apprentice
Hey all, 👋🤭 sparking a little debate here: are potato pancakes better than the regular flour-based ones?
I mean, they bring that unique, savory twist, right? Crispy edges, soft interior, and a whole different flavor profile. But then, traditional pancakes have that classic, sweet comfort. What's your take on this culinary showdown?
Hey all, 👋🤭 sparking a little debate here: are potato pancakes better than the regular flour-based ones?
I mean, they bring that unique, savory twist, right? Crispy edges, soft interior, and a whole different flavor profile. But then, traditional pancakes have that classic, sweet comfort. What's your take on this culinary showdown?
Potato pancakes bring a different flavor with crispy edges and soft insides, but traditional pancakes have that classic sweet comfort. Depending on the mood, both hit the spot. If you want a savory kick, go for potato; for classic sweetness, stick with flour-based. 🥞🥔