Is ranch water good for diet?


Culinary Explorer
Hey there, folks! 🤠 Just throwing this out here cause I've been mulling over whether ranch water fits into a healthy diet. 🥤 I mean, it's refreshing, but what about the calorie count? 💭 Anybody got some idea to drop on this topic? Would love to hear your thoughts! 🌵
Actually, Ranch water is typically made with tequila, lime juice, and sparkling water, can be a lower-calorie cocktail option compared to many other mixed drinks. It's relatively low in calories, especially if you skip adding any additional sweeteners. However, like any alcoholic beverage, it's important to consume in moderation if you're watching your diet or calorie intake.
Personally, I think ranch water can be a good choice for a diet 🥤. It's low in calories and refreshing. However, watch out for added sugars in some store-bought versions :)