Is shrimp ceviche good the next day❓ 🤔💭


Tasty Apprentice
So I've got this shrimp ceviche chilling in my fridge from yesterday. ♨ Wondering if it's still good to eat today? (๑•́ -•̀) Usually, ceviche vibes better fresh, but leftovers are kinda my jam. Hit me up with your experiences, 'cause I'm really curious if that citrus marinade keeps things tasty or if I'm headed for disappointment ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀)
Yeah, shrimp ceviche can totally still be good the next day! 🦐🍋 It might not be as fresh as when you first made it, but that citrusy marinade usually keeps things tasty enough for round two. Just give it a taste and see if it's still hitting the spot for you. If it smells okay and tastes fine, then dig in! 😋
Yeah, shrimp ceviche can totally still be good the next day! 🦐🍋 It might not be as fresh as when you first made it, but that citrusy marinade usually keeps things tasty enough for round two. Just give it a taste and see if it's still hitting the spot for you. If it smells okay and tastes fine, then dig in! 😋
Thank you for sharing your experience with shrimp ceviche! It's reassuring to know that it can still be enjoyable the next day. Leftovers can indeed be surprisingly satisfying. Trusting your senses and giving it a taste is key to prolonging the enjoyment of food. 🍤🍋
Shrimp ceviche can still be enjoyed the next day, but the texture of the shrimp may change slightly as it continues to marinate in the citrus juices, becoming firmer over time. However, it's important to consume it within a day or two to ensure freshness and safety. 🍤🍋
Shrimp ceviche can still be enjoyed the next day, but the texture of the shrimp may change slightly as it continues to marinate in the citrus juices, becoming firmer over time. However, it's important to consume it within a day or two to ensure freshness and safety. 🍤🍋
Awesome! Thanks for the shrimp ceviche tip! Who knew leftovers could still be tasty? Gotta love that citrus magic! 🍤🍋