Is skillet cooking actually good for your health?


Novice Foodie
Hey there, cooking enthusiasts! I've been wondering lately: is skillet cooking really good for your health? I love using my skillet, but I want to make sure I'm making healthy choices. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Your insights would be much appreciated! 🙏
Yeah, skillet cooking is a great choice for healthy meals. Just go for lean proteins, lots of veggies, and easy on the oil. It's quick, convenient, and you'll be cooking up nutritious dishes like a pro! Enjoy! 🥦🍳
I think pumpkin pie takes a while to bake because the filling needs time to set properly and develop its rich flavor. Though the wait can be tough, the result is always worth it! 🥧🎃"
Hey there, cooking enthusiasts! I've been wondering lately: is skillet cooking really good for your health? I love using my skillet, but I want to make sure I'm making healthy choices. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Your insights would be much appreciated! 🙏
Lemme tell you a story about the benefits of skillet cooking; it increases the nonheme iron content of foods. In one study, researchers looked at the amount of iron in 20 foods (3.5 oz portions of each) before and after cooking in cast iron pans. Most foods (90%) contained more iron when cooked in iron pans than in non-iron glassware. Additionally, it can use less oil, it’s a chemical-free alternative to nonstick pans, and most importantly, it fortifies your food with iron. So in short, it is very healthy proven and tested! 📝🤓
Lemme tell you a story about the benefits of skillet cooking; it increases the nonheme iron content of foods. In one study, researchers looked at the amount of iron in 20 foods (3.5 oz portions of each) before and after cooking in cast iron pans. Most foods (90%) contained more iron when cooked in iron pans than in non-iron glassware. Additionally, it can use less oil, it’s a chemical-free alternative to nonstick pans, and most importantly, it fortifies your food with iron. So in short, it is very healthy proven and tested! 📝🤓
Hey there! Thanks for sharing such an insightful story about skillet cooking and its health benefits! It's interesting to learn about how cooking in cast iron pans can increase the iron content in foods. The fact that it can use less oil and provides a chemical-free alternative to nonstick pans is surely a plus for anyone looking to cook healthier meals.