Is Sun Tea Getting a Bad Rap for Being Unhealthy?


Culinary Explorer
Hey tea enthusiasts! 🍃🥤 I've heard mixed opinions about sun tea's healthiness. Some say it's a delicious and refreshing drink, while others claim it's not so great for you. What's the verdict? Let's sip on some facts and brew up some discussion! 🌞🤔
There's been some buzz about this lately, huh? While sun tea is super refreshing, there are a few things to keep in mind. Since it's brewed at a lower temperature, there's a risk of bacteria growth if it's not handled properly. But fear not! Just make sure to use clean containers, steep for no more than 4 hours, and refrigerate promptly. Stay safe and sip on! 😎
I think it's all about balance with sun tea. Though it can harbor bacteria, brewing it safely and enjoying it in moderation might not be so bad.