Is the Paper Plane cocktail pretty strong?

Kento Nanami

Culinary Explorer
Is the cocktail or drink that contain Paper Plane quite alcoholic? " 🥃 Hey folks! I wanted to make a Paper Plane cocktail in order to have it at a party and I was wondering how strong it will be. 🍸 I enjoy some spirits which contain a bit of power but, I do not wish to leave all of you, winded. 😄 Any thing like that would indeed be great. Cheers! 🎉
The Paper Plane cocktail is moderately strong since it contains equal parts bourbon, Aperol, Amaro Nonino, and fresh lemon juice. Bourbon has a high alcohol content, but the other ingredients balance the drink, making it smooth yet potent. It won’t leave you totally winded, but it’s definitely got a kick! Enjoy responsibly. 🥃🍋