Is there a difference between chicken tenders and chicken breasts, or is it all the same?


Culinary Explorer
Hi, everyone! 🐔 I'm a bit puzzled and hoping you can help me out. Is there actually a difference between chicken tenders and chicken breasts, or are we just talking about the same thing with different names? 🤔 I'm all ears for a mini poultry lesson! Thanks in advance for clearing this up! 🍗
Hey there! Chicken tenders are actually a part of the chicken breast, specifically the small strip of meat that's attached to the underside of the breast. 🍗🐔 Thanks for the question! 😊
Chicken tenders are smaller strips from the underside of the breast, while chicken breasts are larger cuts from the whole breast. Both tasty, just different sizes! 🍗😊
Hi 👋 👋 Chicken fingers are made from the inner fillet of the chicken breast, while chicken tenders come from the minor muscles located beneath the breast.😌😌