Is there much fat on a sirloin tip roast?


Novice Foodie
I'm eyeing this sirloin tip roast but can’t tell if it’s too fatty. Does anyone have insights on the fat content of these roasts? Trying to decide if it’s a good choice for a leaner meal. Thoughts? 🤷‍♂️
Sirloin tip roast doesn't have much fat compared to other cuts (like brisket or ribeye) since it is a relatively lean cut of beef. It typically has only a thin layer of fat on the outside. 🥩:)
Hey there! Sirloin tip roast is generally lean with just a bit of fat marbling, so it’s a pretty good choice if you're looking for a leaner meal😍
Sirloin tip roast is relatively lean compared to other cuts, but it does have some fat marbling. 🥩✨ You’ll get a nice, juicy roast without a ton of excess fat. It’s perfect for those who want flavor without too much richness.