Is there usually milk in hamburger buns? I've always wondered. 🍶🍔


Tasty Apprentice
🍔🥛 I've been thinking about the ingredients in hamburger buns, and I'm curious if milk is a common component. 🤔 Does it vary from recipe to recipe? 📜 Any insights or experiences to share? Thanks a bunch! 🌟
Some buns do have milk or dairy products in them to make them softer and give them a richer flavor. 🥛🍞 However, there are also plenty of recipes and brands that make buns without any milk, which is great for people who are lactose intolerant or following a vegan diet. 🥗🍔 If you’re buying buns from the store, it’s always a good idea to check the ingredients list to be sure. 😋✨👌