Is tortilla soup supposed to be spicy?


Novice Foodie
So, curious here about tortilla soup. Gotta ask, is this dish meant to be spicy? Everyone seems to have different takes, and recipes vary like crazy. Got mine off a family friend, but that kick had me reaching for water. Just wondering if that's how it's supposed to go down or nah?
Hi @ade11e , from what I've tasted, tortilla soup can have a bit of spice, but it's not necessarily a requirement. 🔥 Though, many recipes call for ingredients like cumin or chili peppers, giving it a subtle heat.
Tortilla soup can vary in spiciness depending on the recipe and personal preference! Some versions are indeed spicy, with ingredients like jalapeños or chipotle peppers adding heat, while others are milder. It all comes down to how much chili or hot sauce you add. Personally, I love a bit of kick in my tortilla soup, but it's totally up to you! 🌶️🥣