Just got curious. Why do they call them 'hush puppies'?


Culinary Explorer
Food history buffs! 📚 I just got hit with a random curiosity wave – why on earth are they called 'hush puppies'? 🐶 It's such a quirky name for a fried food! Does it have a fun story behind it? Would love to dive into the history. Thanks for sharing your knowledge! 🍴
Hey there! They say 'hush puppies' got their name because cooks used to toss the fried dough to quiet barking dogs. Make sense right?
Food history buffs! 📚 I just got hit with a random curiosity wave – why on earth are they called 'hush puppies'? 🐶 It's such a quirky name for a fried food! Does it have a fun story behind it? Would love to dive into the history. Thanks for sharing your knowledge! 🍴
The origin of "hushpuppy" is a mystery! There are fun stories about tossing them to quiet dogs, but it likely comes from a Southern term for silencing someone.
Hey there! They say 'hush puppies' got their name because cooks used to toss the fried dough to quiet barking dogs. Make sense right?
Thanks for sharing that tidbit! 🐶 That's such a charming story behind the name 'hush puppies'! 📚 It definitely makes sense now! 🍴