Know any cool seafood salad recipes worldwide?


Culinary Explorer
I'm on a culinary adventure and craving some global inspiration for seafood salad recipes! 🐟 Do you know any cool and unique recipes from around the world that'll take my taste buds on a voyage? Let's swap recipes and explore the endless possibilities of seafood salads!
Seafood salads are a global treat! From Thai shrimp salad with zesty lime dressing to Spanish octopus salad with paprika, there's a world of flavors to explore. Dive in and enjoy! 😋
I've tried a fantastic Thai seafood salad that combines shrimp, squid, and fresh herbs with a zesty lime dressing. It's a burst of flavors that definitely transports you to Southeast Asia!
Hi there food buddy. Have you tried Mediterranean Seafood Salad? Are you interested to try it?:) I can give a recipe on it. Just let me know(y);)
Absolutely, I’ve got a rad seafood salad recipe for you! 🐠 How about a zesty Thai seafood salad with shrimp, squid, and a tangy lime dressing? 🌶️ Thanks for the inspiration—can't wait to hear about your finds too!
You should try a Thai seafood salad called Yum Talay. I think the mix of spices and herbs is incredible! 🌶️🥗