Light & Airy Chocolate Sponge Cake


Culinary Explorer
Hey there, dessert lovers! 🍰✨ Just stumbled upon a fantastic recipe for Light & Airy Chocolate Sponge Cake, and I couldn't wait to share! 🍫🎉 With layers of fluffy cocoa goodness topped with whipped cream and strawberries, it's a game-changer! 😋🍓 Let's dive into baking bliss together!

Light & Airy Chocolate Sponge Ca (1).jpg

Light & Airy Chocolate Sponge Cake Ingredients:
Sponge Cake:
  • 2 tbsp (15 g) all-purpose flour
  • ⅓ cup (40 g) cornstarch
  • ¼ tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp (16 g) unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp instant coffee powder
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 4 large eggs, separated (room temperature)
  • ⅛ tsp white vinegar
  • ⅔ cup (132 g) white granulated sugar, divided
  • 1½ tbsp warm water
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp (30 g) vegetable oil (such as canola)
Simple Syrup:
  • ¼ cup (50 g) white granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup (55 g) boiling water
Whipping Cream:
  • 2 cups (375 g) cold whipping cream
  • 3 tbsp (28 g) icing sugar
  • 3 tbsp (22 g) unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 punnet fresh strawberries
  • Raspberry jam (optional)
  1. Preheat the oven to 160°C (320°F) with the fan on and line the bottom of two 8x3 inch baking tins with baking paper.
  2. In a bowl, combine flour, cornstarch, baking powder, cocoa powder, instant coffee powder, and salt. Mix well and set aside.
  3. In a medium-sized bowl, whip egg whites and white vinegar until foamy. Gradually add 1/3 cup of sugar and continue mixing until stiff peaks form. Set aside.
  4. In a large bowl, mix remaining sugar with warm water. Add egg yolks and vanilla extract, and whip until thickened.
  5. Stream vegetable oil into the egg yolk mixture while mixing. Mix until well combined.
  6. Gently fold in half of the egg whites, then sift in the dry ingredients and fold until just combined.
  7. Add the remaining egg whites and fold until just combined. Be careful not to overmix.
  8. Divide the batter into the prepared baking tins and bake for 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
  9. Once baked, tap the tins on the counter and cool the cakes upside down on a wire rack.
  10. Once cooled, remove the cakes from the tins and brush them with simple syrup to keep them moist.
  11. Decorate as desired with fresh strawberries and/or raspberry jam, if using.
Enjoy your light and airy chocolate sponge cake! 🍰🍓
Yay! Chocolate sponge cake is a favorite of mine, and this recipe sounds like it takes it to the next level 💅

Thanks for sharing this recipe, I can't wait to try it out and see if I can achieve that perfect airiness! 🤭
Oh, that sounds heavenly! I can already imagine the fluffy texture and rich chocolate flavor. Thanks for sharing this delightful recipe!
I've been craving a light and fluffy chocolate cake lately! 🍰 This recipe seems like it'll hit the spot. Thanks for sharing!
hahaha so glad you liked it! 🍫😊 Get ready to indulge in the heavenly combination of fluffy texture and rich chocolate flavor. 🍰🎉 Happy baking and enjoy every delicious bite! 🌟👩‍🍳