Looking for a side dish for chicken fried steak. What do you all recommend? 📝🔎


Novice Foodie
Hello, there people of this forum! 🍴 I'm planning to make some chicken fried steak and I'm looking for the perfect side dish. What do you guys usually serve with it? I'm looking for something that complements it really well. 🥔🥗 Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! 😊✨
Hey there!🍳 Chicken-fried steak for sure! For something tasty on the side, how about some creamy mashed potatoes or a crisp garden salad? They will definitely dig the juicy steak. Enjoy cooking!🥔🥗
Hey there! 👋 For a side dish with chicken fried steak, I'd suggest going for something with a bit of tanginess to balance out the richness of the steak. How about some homemade coleslaw? 🥗🥕 The crunchy texture and zesty flavor of the coleslaw would complement the crispy exterior of the steak perfectly. Plus, it adds a refreshing touch to the meal. 🌟 You could also consider serving some buttery corn on the cob or garlic roasted vegetables on the side for extra deliciousness! 🌽🌿 Hope that helps! Enjoy your meal! 😊