Looking for the Secret to Thicker Corn Chowder. Any Tips?


Tasty Apprentice
Soup enthusiasts, assemble! 🍲✊ I'm trying to achieve that rich, thick corn chowder texture but seems to be missing the mark. 🎯 Does anyone have that magic trick up their sleeve? Flour, cornstarch, or is there an ancient family secret? Let's turn my soup from runny to stunning! 🌽💫 Tips, please!
Hi there. 👋👋 Here some tips for you to a thicker Corn Chowder like mix equal parts cornstarch and cold water then stir into the chowder and cook until thickened. Cook equal parts butter and flour until lightly browned, then add to the chowder or add heavy cream for a richer, thicker consistency. You can choose one method or combine a couple for extra thickness and richness. 👍😄
For a thicker corn chowder, try incorporating techniques like pureeing a portion of the soup, adding a roux (a mixture of flour and fat), or using cornstarch slurry as a thickening agent, ensuring a rich and hearty texture. 🌽🍲