Looking for tips on nailing Jamaican patty dough!


Culinary Explorer
Hi everyone! I've been trying my hand at making Jamaican patties, but I'm struggling with the dough. 🥟🤔 Do you have any tips or tricks for getting that perfect flaky texture? Whether it's the ingredients, technique, or secret family recipes, I'm all ears for your expertise! Let's make some dough magic happen!
Hey! Getting that flaky texture in Jamaican patties can be tricky, but I’ve got some tips for you. Make sure to use cold butter or shortening; this helps create those layers. Also, try not to overwork the dough—mix just until it comes together. Finally, letting it chill in the fridge for a bit can really help with the texture. Good luck, and I hope your patties turn out amazing! 🥟✨
One of the tips I can give you is to mix all-purpose flour with a little cornmeal to add a slight crunch. 🌾🌽 Another tip is to add a bit of turmeric to the flour to get that signature golden-yellow color of Jamaican patties. 😊