Meal preppers, how do you work roasted chicken thighs into your weekly routine?


Culinary Explorer
Hey meal prep pros! 🥘🍗 Wondering: how do you incorporate roasted chicken thighs into your weekly routine? 🤔 Looking for some inspiration to level up my meal prep game! 💪🍽️ Share your tips and tricks with me!
Hey meal prep pros! 🥘🍗 Wondering: how do you incorporate roasted chicken thighs into your weekly routine? 🤔 Looking for some inspiration to level up my meal prep game! 💪🍽️ Share your tips and tricks with me!
Roasted chicken thighs are my meal prep bestie! Bulk cook 'em on Sundays, shred them, and portion them out for endless flavor combos in salads, wraps, bowls, quesadillas, pot pies, or even chicken salad!
I love using roasted chicken thighs in my meal prep. They’re super versatile and stay juicy all week! On Sundays, I roast a big batch with garlic powder, paprika, salt, and pepper. 🍗 Throughout the week, I use them in salads, wraps, and grain bowls. 🥗🌯🍚 For quick dinners, I heat them up with steamed veggies and mashed potatoes. 🍠🥕 If there are any leftovers, I freeze them in individual portions for a quick protein option later. ❄
Roasted chicken thighs are a meal prep staple for many, offering versatility and flavor to dishes throughout the week. One popular approach is to roast a batch of chicken thighs seasoned with your favorite herbs and spices at the beginning of the week. Then, you can use them in various ways, such as shredding the meat for salads, sandwiches, or wraps, or serving them alongside roasted veggies and grains for a balanced meal. Another idea is to incorporate the chicken thighs into soups, stir-fries, or pasta dishes for added protein and flavor. By planning ahead and preparing roasted chicken thighs in advance, you can streamline your meal prep process and enjoy delicious and nutritious meals all week long! 💪🍽️
Roasted chicken thighs are versatile for meal prepping: I season and roast them with different spices each week, then use them in salads, wraps, pasta dishes, or alongside vegetables for quick and easy lunches and dinners throughout the week!