My hot pepper jelly didn’t set. Any tips on how to fix it?


Novice Foodie
My attempt at homemade hot pepper jelly didn’t quite set as expected—it’s still runny. :( Does anyone have tips or tricks to thicken it up? I’m seeking ways to salvage this batch or improve the next one. I would really appreciate some help fixing this! 🥄✨
Sometimes, boiling the jelly longer can help it thicken up. Just keep an eye on it and stir occasionally to prevent burning. 😉👌🤩
Try reheating the jelly and adding more pectin or a bit of cornstarch slurry. Simmer until it thickens. For next time, make sure to use the right amount of pectin and boil it long enough. Good luck! 🥄✨
Oh no, jelly trouble! 😩🍯 If your hot pepper jelly didn’t set, try reheating it and adding a bit more pectin—sometimes it just needs a little extra help to firm up. 🌶 Also, make sure to bring it to a full boil and stir constantly. ✨ Hopefully, this will do the trick and get your jelly to set perfec