Pad Prik Gaeng (Stir-Fried Chili Paste with Meat)


Tasty Apprentice
Spice up your meal with the bold flavors of Stir-Fried Chili Paste with Meat!

Pad Prik Gaeng.jpg

🌶️ **Ingredients**:
- 400g meat (beef, pork, or chicken), sliced
- 3 tbsp Thai red curry paste
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 onion, sliced
- 1 bell pepper, sliced
- 1 carrot, sliced
- 4 kaffir lime leaves, torn
- 1 tbsp fish sauce
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tbsp sugar
- Fresh basil leaves for garnish

🍳 **Instructions**:
1. Heat vegetable oil in a pan over medium heat.
2. Add Thai red curry paste and stir-fry until fragrant.
3. Add sliced meat and cook until browned.
4. Toss in onion, bell pepper, carrot, and torn kaffir lime leaves. Stir-fry until vegetables are tender-crisp.
5. Season with fish sauce, soy sauce, and sugar. Stir well to combine.
6. Garnish with fresh basil leaves and serve hot with steamed rice. Enjoy the spicy and savory flavors of Pad Prik Gaeng!
Hey, thanks for sharing this spicy stir-fry recipe! 🌶️ It sounds delicious with all those bold flavors. I'll definitely try making Pad Prik Gaeng soon! Appreciate the suggestion!
Wow, that Pad Prik Gaeng recipe sounds 🔥! Gotta love that spicy Thai curry paste kick with all those veggies and meat. Thanks for spicing up my meal plan! 🌶️
Pad Prik Gaeng is always a winner! Love the spicy kick. Can't wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing! 🌶️🍲
Yum, Pad Prik Gaeng looks amazing! 🌶️🍲 The combination of chili paste and meat sounds like a flavor explosion. Can’t wait to give this a go! 😍