Plantain Frying: How Ripe is Just Right?


Novice Foodie
Hi friends! 🍌🔥 I've been experimenting with frying plantains lately and can't quite nail down the perfect ripeness. 🤔 Any tips on how ripe they should be for that crispy-on-the-outside, soft-on-the-inside goodness? 🤗🍽️ Share your ripe wisdom!
For frying plantains, you want them to be pretty ripe, like yellow with some black spots. 🍌 They’ll be sweeter and caramelize nicely. Too green, and they’ll be starchy and of course if too black, (uhh) and they'll be mushy. Aim for that sweet spot in between! 😋
For frying, look for plantains that are mostly yellow with a few black spots. 🍌🔥 Perfect balance of sweet and crispy!