🍅🌿Salsa Verde Recipe


Culinary Explorer
Stumbled upon this recipe while scrolling through a video platform and decided to give it a try. It turned out amazing, so I thought I'd share it here! 🎉👩‍🍳🔥
This simple green salsa recipe is effortless to prepare, bursting with delightful flavor, and serves as a delectable accompaniment to your preferred Mexican dishes. Alternatively, you can present it alongside chips for an ideal appetizer at gatherings or as a side dish for dinner.

Salsa Verde Ingredients​

  • Tomatillos are green-skinned fruits with a slightly acidic taste, resembling tomatoes in appearance (the Spanish word "tomatillo" translates to "little tomato"), but they offer a distinct flavor. Encased in a thin husk, they require removal before roasting and consumption.
  • Jalapeno contributes spiciness to the salsa; if a milder flavor is preferred, it can be omitted. For extra heat, you may retain the jalapeno seeds or increase the quantity of this ingredient.
  • Yellow onion and garlic significantly enhance the salsa verde's flavor; it is advisable not to exclude them. Fresh cilantro, typically utilized in a 1/4 cup portion, can be adjusted according to personal preference.
  • Salt is essential as it amplifies the salsa's flavors and prevents it from tasting flat.
  • Sugar is utilized to harmonize the tartness of acidic flavors within the salsa.
  • Lime juice imparts a refreshing burst of brightness to the salsa.
  • Although unconventional, water is added to achieve a smoother consistency, making the salsa more suitable for dipping.

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Instructions for Making Salsa Verde
  1. Preheat broiler: Adjust the oven rack to be about 4 inches below the broiler element and preheat the broiler to high heat.
  2. Broil tomatillos and jalapeño: Arrange the tomatillos and jalapeño on a baking sheet and place them in the oven. Broil for approximately 4 to 5 minutes until they are charred on top. Keep a close eye on them as they can char quickly, especially the pepper.
  3. Rotate and continue broiling: Turn the vegetables to expose the opposite side and continue to broil for about 3 to 5 minutes until charred on that side as well.
  4. Combine ingredients in a food processor: Slice the pepper (or halve it and remove the seeds), then add it to a food processor along with the onion, cilantro, garlic, salt, sugar, lime juice, water, and tomatillos (including any juices from the baking sheet).
  5. Process to a coarse texture: Pulse the ingredients several times until they form a coarse puree. If desired, add more water to achieve the desired consistency. The salsa can be served warm as a topping or chilled in the refrigerator to be used as a dip for chips.
Greet your taste buds with a burst of freshness and flavor! Share this vibrant Salsa Verde recipe with friends and family, and let the fiesta begin! Enjoy every zesty spoonful! 🎉🍅🌿
Woah, I saw someone make it on a video platform too and it totally convinced me to try it. So glad you shared it here ..Can't wait to whip up a batch this weekend. Perfect timing for some poolside snacking! 🤗😃