Should I cover chicken pot pie with foil when baking?


Novice Foodie
Hey, I've been wondering, should I cover my chicken pot pie with foil while baking? Wanna prevent the crust from getting too brown before the rest of the pie cooks through. What are your methods? Anyone tried both ways or any advice on achieving that perfect golden crust without drying out the filling.
I think covering chicken pot pie with foil for the first half of baking helps prevent the crust from burning. Then, take it off to let the top brown nicely! 😊
I don't cover mine, though I keep an eye on it. If it starts browning too quickly, I loosely cover it with foil. 🍗🥧
I think covering chicken pot pie with foil for the first half of baking helps prevent the crust from burning. Then, take it off to let the top brown nicely! 😊
That's exactly what I do to prevent a burnt crust. Foil is your friend for the first part, then off it comes for a beautiful golden brown finish ✨
Hey, I've been wondering, should I cover my chicken pot pie with foil while baking? Wanna prevent the crust from getting too brown before the rest of the pie cooks through. What are your methods? Anyone tried both ways or any advice on achieving that perfect golden crust without drying out the filling.
To prevent over-browning, cover your chicken pot pie with foil halfway through baking for a perfectly golden crust and moist filling. 🥧✨