Should jerk chicken be a bit dry, or am I just cooking it wrong?


Novice Foodie
Hey BBQ masters! 🍖 I've been trying my hand at jerk chicken, but it always ends up a tad dry. Is that just the nature of the beast, or am I missing a trick in the cooking process? 🤷‍♂️ I'm aiming for juicy and flavorful. Any advice would be super appreciated! Thanks! 🌶️
Hey BBQ masters! 🍖 I've been trying my hand at jerk chicken, but it always ends up a tad dry. Is that just the nature of the beast, or am I missing a trick in the cooking process? 🤷‍♂️ I'm aiming for juicy and flavorful. Any advice would be super appreciated! Thanks! 🌶️
Though it's tempting to crank up the heat, low and slow cooking is often the way to go with jerk chicken. 🔥🐔 This allows the flavors to develop without drying out the meat.
Hey BBQ masters! 🍖 I've been trying my hand at jerk chicken, but it always ends up a tad dry. Is that just the nature of the beast, or am I missing a trick in the cooking process? 🤷‍♂️ I'm aiming for juicy and flavorful. Any advice would be super appreciated! Thanks! 🌶️

Hey there! To keep your jerk chicken juicy, try marinating longer (like overnight) for max flavor. Also, make sure not to overcook—use a meat thermometer to hit 165°F internal temp. Keep at it, you'll nail it! 🍗🔥