Should poke be hot or cold?


Tasty Apprentice
❄️ I'm new to the world of poke bowls and I'm not sure if they're meant to be served cold like sushi or if they can be enjoyed warm. What's the best way to serve poke for optimal flavor and texture? Excited to hear your thoughts! 🍲
Hi there. 👋Poke is traditionally served cold. Some recipes include warm ingredients such as cooked tofu or seared tuna, but if we're sticking with the strictly traditional Hawaiian poke bowls, they are served cold. Refrigerate the poke for 30 minutes. Serve on top of warm rice. Garnish with some more scallions and sesame seeds. ;);)(y)
I’ve tried both, and I think cold is the way to go. It’s the traditional style and really brings out the best in the ingredients. 🌟