Soup or Stew? Is Gumbo Classified as a Soup?


Culinary Explorer
Hi there, culinary connoisseurs! 🍲 I'm in a bit of a quandary and hoping for some clarity. 😕 Can anyone settle this for me, once and for all: is gumbo considered a soup or more of a stew? 🤔 I'm feeling torn, and your insights would really help clear things up! Thanks guys!
Hey there! Great question! Gumbo is a bit of both—it's a soup and a stew! It's a thick, hearty dish that often includes a variety of ingredients like meats, seafood, vegetables, and spices, all simmered together to create a flavorful concoction. So, don't worry if you're feeling torn—gumbo blurs the line between soup and stew, making it a delicious culinary hybrid! Enjoy! 😊
Hey there! Ah, the age-old question about gumbo. 😄 I’d say gumbo straddles the line between a soup and a stew. It’s thicker than a typical soup because of the roux, but not quite as thick as most stews. Plus, it’s often served over rice, which is more stew-like. So, I lean towards calling it a stew.
Hi there, culinary connoisseurs! 🍲 I'm in a bit of a quandary and hoping for some clarity. 😕 Can anyone settle this for me, once and for all: is gumbo considered a soup or more of a stew? 🤔 I'm feeling torn, and your insights would really help clear things up! Thanks guys!
Gumbo, in my opinion, falls into the stew category due to its heartier and thicker texture, but it can definitely be considered a soup as well. 🍲
Gumbo, in my opinion, falls into the stew category due to its heartier and thicker texture, but it can definitely be considered a soup as well. 🍲
Hey there! I get where you're coming from. Gumbo is one of those versatile dishes that blurs the lines between soup and stew. Its rich and thick texture certainly leans towards the stew side, but its broth base still gives it that soup-like quality. Personally, I think it's the best of both worlds—a delicious blend of flavors and textures that resist easy classification!