Sweet and Spicy Green Beans


Culinary Explorer
Hey there, Today, I've got a recipe that's gonna knock your socks off (I guess 😅) Sweet and Spicy Green Beans! But let me tell you, getting the sweet and spicy balance just right is like trying to juggle flaming pineapples.

Sweet and Spicy Green beans.jpg

  • Thick-cut bacon
  • Fresh green beans, with ends trimmed
  • Fresh garlic, minced
  • Soy sauce, brown sugar monk fruit (or your favorite sweetener), and apple cider vinegar
  • Optional: Sesame seeds & red pepper flakes
  1. Let's start with the bacon, the star of the show! But here's the kicker: slicing thick-cut bacon without it sticking to everything is like trying to peel off a stubborn sticker. Take your time and embrace the bacon grease, it's the secret ingredient to happiness!
  2. Once you've conquered the bacon, it's time to tackle those green beans. Give them a good trim, but watch out for rogue beans trying to escape! They're slippery little devils.
  3. Now, onto the garlic. Mincing garlic is a skill that takes practice, so if you end up with bigger chunks than you intended, just pretend it's gourmet rustic style. It's all about the presentation, right?
  4. In a bowl, mix together the soy sauce, brown sugar monk fruit (or your sweetener of choice), and apple cider vinegar. It's like chemistry class, but way tastier!
  5. Time to fire up the stove! Cook the bacon until it's crispy and golden brown. It's gonna smell so good, your neighbors might come knocking. Don't worry, just tell them you're conducting a bacon symphony.
  6. Once the bacon is done, remove it from the pan and let it hang out on a paper towel to drain. Now, toss those green beans and minced garlic into the bacon grease party! They're gonna sizzle and dance like nobody's watching.
  7. Pour in the sweet and spicy sauce you whipped up earlier. It's gonna bubble and fizz like a magic potion. Give it all a good stir and let those flavors mingle and get to know each other. Trust me, they're gonna be best friends in no time.
  8. Optional step: sprinkle on some sesame seeds and red pepper flakes for extra pizzazz! It's like putting a fancy hat on your dish. Classy AND spicy!

    And there you have it, I bet when you do it too your kitchen will smell like a gourmet restaurant 😁
    So go ahead, give it a try, and don't forget to share your culinary triumphs with the world! Happy cooking!
Just whipped up these Sweet and Spicy Green Beans for dinner and they were a hit! 🌶️🥦 Loved the balance of flavors between the sweetness and the kick of spice. Plus, they were super easy to make, which is always a win in my book!🌟😋
Wow, sweet and spicy green beans with bacon? Count me in! That combination sounds like a flavor explosion waiting to happen. I'm curious, how do you manage to find the perfect balance between the sweetness and the kick of spice? 🌶️