Tips for Freezing Fried Apples?


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone! 🍏 I've been loving making fried apples lately, but I always end up with leftovers. Does anyone have tips on how to freeze them properly? I want to make sure they stay delicious for later snacking! Thanks in advance for any advice! 🤗
Let them cool completely, then pop 'em in an airtight container. They might get a little softer when you thaw 'em, so maybe reheat them in a pan for a crispy finish.
You can place the fried apples into airtight containers or freezer bags. 🍎 If you prefer the latter option, see to it there's no more air inside the bag before sealing it. 🌬️ But, if you use containers, remember to leave a little space at the top to let the apples expand as they freeze. ❄️