Tips for safely using chicken marinade?


Culinary Explorer
Hi, cooking pros! 🍗 Seeking some guidance on safely handling chicken marinades. 🤔 Any tips or precautions to ensure we're marinating our chicken safely and avoiding any food safety issues? Share your wisdom and let's marinade our chicken with confidence!
Marinate your chicken in the refrigerator, never on the counter. That cold temperature slows down bacterial growth. Don't reuse the marinade on cooked food! The marinade has been sitting with raw chicken and could have bacteria in it. Use fresh marinade for basting or dipping, or boil it first to kill any bacteria.🙂✨😉👍
For safely using chicken marinade 🍗🥗, marinate in the refrigerator, use a sealed container to avoid cross-contamination, discard marinade that touched raw chicken, and cook chicken to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) for safety.
When marinating chicken, I always advise using separate containers for raw chicken and the marinade to prevent cross-contamination. This simple step ensures that harmful bacteria from raw chicken don't get into the marinade and then onto other foods.
To safely use chicken marinade, always marinate in the fridge, never reuse marinade that has touched raw chicken, and if you want to use it as a sauce, boil it first to kill any bacteria 🐔🥣.