Tips on prepping Thai basil for cooking Thai basil chicken?


Culinary Explorer
I picked up some fresh Thai basil from the market and am planning to make Thai basil chicken for dinner. Could use some pointers on how to prepare the basil before cooking. Anyone have tips or tricks they swear by? 🌿🔪
Great choice! For prepping Thai basil, start by rinsing it gently and patting it dry. Remove the leaves from the stems, as the stems can be tough. To release the full flavor, give the leaves a rough chop before adding them to your dish. This will help the basil infuse its aromatic goodness into your Thai basil chicken. 🌿🍗 Enjoy your cooking!
I recommend using cold water when rinsing basil. 🌊❄️ It helps remove any dirt or dust and keeps the leaves crisp and fresh. Also, if the basil has been stored for a while, the cold water helps revive it. 🌿
Just pluck the leaves and toss the stems! 🌿👌 No need to chop—add them whole for the best flavor in your chicken dish. 🍗🔥