Tips to keep broccoli from burning in the oven?

Any tricks to stop broccoli from burning when I roast it? It’s such a pain when it gets charred! 🔥😩
Say goodbye to burnt broccoli! Preheat your oven, pat those florets dry, spread them out on the pan, flip halfway through, and keep an eye on the clock for perfectly roasted, not charred, veggies.
Absolutely! 🔥 When roasting broccoli, try tossing it with a bit of oil and spreading it out evenly on the baking sheet to ensure it cooks evenly. You can also lower the oven temperature slightly and keep an eye on it, stirring occasionally to prevent any pieces from burning. Another trick is to cut the broccoli into uniform-sized florets to promote even cooking. With these tips, you'll be able to enjoy perfectly roasted broccoli without any charred bits! 🥦👩‍🍳
To prevent broccoli from burning in the oven, toss it with oil, spread it evenly on a baking sheet, and watch it closely while it cooks, stirring occasionally to ensure even cooking. 🥦🔥
To prevent broccoli from burning in the oven, coat it evenly with oil, spread it out on a baking sheet, roast at moderate heat, and keep an eye on it towards the end of cooking time.