🇹🇷 Turkish Bazlama / Flatbread Recipe 🌿🍞


Novice Foodie
Turkish Bazlama.jpg
So, guess what? I had a blast chowing down on legit Turkish noms in Istanbul! The smell of that fresh bread though...🤤 One thing that stood out was Bazlama - soft, fluffy, tear-and-share flatbread. So, I tried making it at home and nailed it! Here's my easy-peasy Bazlama recipe for you to dig into! 🍞

  • 4.5 cups (540g) all-purpose flour or bread flour​
  • 1 tbsp (7g) dry yeast​
  • 1 tsp (5g) salt​
  • 1 tsp (5g) sugar​
  • 3/4 cup (200ml) warm water​
  • 1 cup (240ml) warm milk​
  • 2 tbsp (30ml) olive oil​
  • Toppings: Melted butter & Chopped parsley (or any other fresh herbs)​
  1. Activate the yeast by mixing warm water, sugar, and instant yeast in a bowl. Let it sit until frothy (5-10 minutes).​
  2. In a large bowl, combine flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and add the yeast mixture, milk, and olive oil. Mix to form a rough dough.​
  3. Knead the dough on a floured surface until smooth and elastic (about 10 minutes). Add more flour if it's too sticky.​
  4. Place the dough back in the bowl, cover with a damp cloth, and let it rise until doubled in size (about 1 hour).​
  5. Gently punch down the risen dough to release the air and divide it into 6 equal portions. Shape each into a round ball.​
  6. Cover them with plastic wrap or a damp cloth to prevent drying out. Start flattening them gently with a rolling pin until they are about 15-20cm in diameter.​
  7. Heat a non stick pan over medium heat. Cook each flatbread until golden-brown spots appear, pressing gently to encourage puffing. Make sure to turn it over constantly while cooking.​
  8. Keep the cooked bazlama warm under a cloth. You can spread the melted butter with fresh chopped parsley while the bazlama is hot.​
  9. Serve warm with dips, spreads, or alongside main dishes.​
You'll love these homemade Turkish Bazlama flatbreads! They're great for sopping up sauces, dipping, or enjoying on their own. A must-have in your kitchen! Enjoy! 🍞
I think serving it with a side of creamy hummus would complement the flavors perfectly! 🍽️ Though, for a spicy kick, a drizzle of chili-infused olive oil could be exciting. 🌶️
🇹🇷 Turkish bazlama/flatbread recipe? 🌿🍞 Whip up a batch of this traditional Turkish bread with just a few simple ingredients, then cook it on a griddle until beautifully golden and puffed - perfect for serving alongside your favorite dips or kebabs!