Ways to Extend the Shelf Life of Chicken Stock?


Culinary Explorer
🌟 I love having homemade chicken stock on hand, but it always seems to go bad too quickly. Any suggestions on how to make it last longer in the fridge or freezer? I'm eager to learn some preservation techniques! Thanks for your help! 🕰️❄️
One of the ways to extend the shelf life of chicken stock is to refrigerate it. ❄️ Transfer it to an airtight container. This way, the stock will stay fresh for up to 4-5 days in the refrigerator. 🐔
Want to keep your chicken stock fresh for longer? 🐔✨ Try freezing it in ice cube trays for easy portions, or store it in airtight containers to prevent freezer burn. Adding a splash of lemon juice or vinegar can also help preserve flavor. For the fridge, just make sure it’s well-sealed and use it within 4-5 days.