What can I substitute for white wine in chicken piccata?


Culinary Explorer
Hey, foodies! Running into a bit of a snag making chicken piccata tonight. My pantry's missing white wine, and I gotta find something to swap in without messing up the flavor too much. Got any savvy suggestions for a good substitute? Preferably something that won't make me dash to the store.
If you have some chicken stock on hand, you can use it as a substitutes for white whine It will add richness and depth of flavor to your chicken piccata 😉 😉
When I don't have any white wine, I use apple cider vinegar. Just mix a small amount of apple cider vinegar with water to dilute its acidity, then use it in place of the white wine. Start with a smaller amount and adjust to taste, as vinegar can be quite potent. 👌👌😉