What do you all like to pair with a Cuban sandwich?


Culinary Explorer
What’s everyone’s go-to side dish or drink to pair with a Cuban sandwich? 🍹🍟 I’m looking for some creative and tasty suggestions to elevate my next sandwich experience. Whether it's a specific type of chips, a salad, or a drink, I’d love to hear what complements it best!
For a refreshing side, I suggest a simple tomato and avocado salad. It adds a fresh, creamy contrast to the Cuban flavors 🥑🍅.
Oh, the options are endless! I personally love pairing my Cuban sandwich with some crispy plantain chips or a side of sweet potato fries. Yum!
What’s everyone’s go-to side dish or drink to pair with a Cuban sandwich? 🍹🍟 I’m looking for some creative and tasty suggestions to elevate my next sandwich experience. Whether it's a specific type of chips, a salad, or a drink, I’d love to hear what complements it best!
Cuban sandwiches are hearty! Try classic sides like tangy pickles, plantain chips, or a refreshing green salad for a perfect balance.
A classic side dish to pair with a Cuban sandwich is a side of plantain chips or yuca fries, while a refreshing drink like a mojito or a fresh limeade complements it perfectly. For a lighter option, consider a simple avocado and tomato salad. 🍹🍟🥗
A classic pairing for a Cuban sandwich includes crispy plantain chips, yuca fries, or a side of black bean soup for a delicious Cuban-inspired meal!