What does tuna salad contain?


Novice Foodie
Howdy! 😊

I'm looking for advice on making a delicious tuna salad. I heard dish is kinda classic and combining creamy textures with the savory taste of tuna. Honestly, I haven't tried this yet I'm all ears on your favorite ingredients or secret tips.

Do certain additions make the salad pop? How do you balance flavors? I'm excited to hear what you all think! 🥗🐟
My mother taught me about this before, she told me that tuna salad must have tuna, celery, mayo, pickles and onions. She also adds some splash of lemon juice to balance the sourness of the salad and make it brighter.
When it comes to what's in tuna salad, it can vary, but I usually stick to tuna, mayo, a bit of mustard, and sometimes some chopped hard-boiled eggs for extra flavor and texture
Add a dollop of Greek yogurt for creaminess and a splash of pickle juice for that zingy, secret weapon. 🥒🐟